Friday, August 15, 2014

Friday Favorites

Hello there! it's been a looonnnnggg week on my end-how about yours? There was a minute that I wasn't sure I would make it! I am going to attempt-for the sake of this little space of mine-to pull out some positivity and light to share with you dear reader!

 Here are my favorites as follows:

-Anne Shirley is sort of the essence of everything good to me- I read Anne of Green Gables at my grandmother's house at around nine or ten, and suddenly my life began to make more sense. I was out of new books to read, and Mama Jo sort of half way threw it at me one afternoon after school-"entertain yourself and stop following me around" basically....Two days later she had created a monster! I had to follow her around even more furiously through the house to tell her how great that book she gave me was. This is one of my favorite quotes from Anne-I have a vintage print with this saying, and it always makes me feel a little better.

-I mailed three stunning engagement rings across the country to three boys who are going to propose this week. 

-Speaking of work I am on the blog this week with a few picks for you in the store this month! 

-My video doesn't do this girl justice! She had a full on song and dance rehearsal while at the subway stop. She danced for ten minutes, and sang two hits from Rent.

-Baked lays are always, always a fave

-I've never talked about faith on here, and I'm not sure I will...but this verse is a favorite if you're cool with the Bible y'all
"Because of the tender mercy of my God by which the rising sun will come to me from heaven-to shine on my darkness and what feels like the shadow of death to me-I will find peace." Luke 1:78-79

-this is so incredible, and I will love it forever. It's probably one of my top 5 favorite- most romantic scenes in film

-while on the subject of romance- this is one of my favorite romantic songs... that seems to always make me cry 

Cheers to the weekend! xo pal


  1. what an inspiring/entertaining post - loved the verse, love the robin williams tribute (good will hunting is my favorite movie), and love love loved that sweet song <3

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