Wednesday, August 27, 2014

let's talk hair girl

 warning stupid post ahead.....

how often do you wash your hair? I just had a long phone call discussing this age old question. (whatever what do you talk about on the phone)

I used to have bangs-which basically meant... measure the cleanliness of your bangs with your self esteem for the day. I loved having them, but they WERE A PAIN.

sidenote: never view old pictures without first accepting: you will never be that happy or skinny again. never ever.

anyways I decided bangs were too much work and grew them out
-around the same time I took a trip to Dublin!

Upon my arrival I was informed that showering had to be limited due to expenses and traveling ALSO there was no hair dryer
 (it was the dead of winter-do you want to lay in bed all night with wet hair?)

In Ireland, I learned the hard way what happens when you stop washing your goes through several stages (most of which you look disgusting) but then.... something amazing happened!
I realized not washing so often meant healthier, fuller, faster growing locks!
 My hair looked better than it had since high school!

 However, I'm worried I've taken this new found freedom way too far...I now hate washing my hair.  I avoid it as long as possible! I just throw it in a bun around the third day, or sprinkle in dry shampoo-
can you tell how much I care?
 how single I am?

so the question often do you wash your hair?

1 comment:

  1. Bahahaha oh chels.. You know my answer! As little as humanly possible....
