Wednesday, July 30, 2014

I'm sorry

so I disappeared....
honestly I went to Memphis, and my days were much more full than I expected. I had no time or desire to sit down and write. I'm sorry for making a false promise! 
Are we still pals dear reader? I sure hope so.

 I have decided not to do an all time favorite list. It felt very personal. Instead, I'm going to tell you some stuff, and throw in a few favorites as I go along.

Let's begin with this song:

It has had such a profound impact on me-I don't even know how to put into words how much I love it.  It has the prettiest, most melancholy melody that has seeped deep into my brain. I hum it when I'm not playing it, and I've played it about 200x since I first heard it randomly in my car. Nothing is better than music in my car, with summer air blowing around, late in the evening. nothing.

I've been having a bit of a tough time with this new number in my life-twenty four. I'm trying to calm down, but I feel older this year. I'm trying to see all the beauty in this number. I moved across the country alone, I'm acting, I'm meeting beautiful, kind people daily, and the scars I do have-I'm pretty proud of.'s a weird number. I know most of my friends my age feel a little lost right now so let's call it normal, shall we?


I had such good days this past week-I looked through old photo albums with Pops and Molly and Mom. I danced with Jeffrey and Jessica. I spent the day at Gigi's house. I took hugs from my brother that he didn't want to give.  I slept late with the cats, and gave the dogs my food scraps. I read-currently on Gone Girl-almost to the end. I saw some movies. I took a long walk around the neighborhood, and ate birthday cake.

Now I'm back in this little ole town-happy to be here...

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