Friday, July 4, 2014

Friday Favorites

Happy Independence Day!!!!!!!

I have been MIA this week due to a hospital visit-a massive thank you to everyone who has been checking on me! I'm thankfully feeling much better tonight. Now how about some favorites?

These  recipes are easy to prepare and great for tonight's festivities! 

My Girl 1 and 2 are now on netflix :))) break out those tissues! Then bounce back with the Beyonce documentary because it is a bad mood buster.
I recently watched Very Good Girls, which turned out to be a very good coming of age movie! 
Also...if you are a Hitchcock fan I highly recommend Take Shelter-closest thing I have seen to the Birds in a long time-full of suspense.

Popcorn ice cream from williamsburg creamery  is a definate favorite. I understand it sounds gross and weird, but it is actually amazing, however be warned, they give huge servings so only get one scoop because it is the equivalent of three scoops.

A trip out to Brighton beach on a Monday was like getting a free vacation.

Speaking of the beach, I've been listening exclusively to the beach boys ALL week.
This song never gets old.

I love falling asleep to thunderstorms two nights in a row.

My biggest favorite of all is we finally have A.C. in the apartment!!

Happy Weekending-hope you have a great 4th xo

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