Monday, June 23, 2014

got some splainin to do

soooooo I missed Friday favorites! 

promise this Friday's addition will be jam packed to make up for the loss


Happy Monday friend! 
It's a been a long weekend for me BUT, I did see some cool stuff here in the burg.
Want me to tell you about it? Okay, if you insist! 
(you will see I took a couple of pictures of strangers, but it was to show you how wonderful they are not to be mean or creepy)

First off, I went to a bar on Saturday night that is dog friendly, a.k.a. Magical puppy land.
A bar where no one needs a leash, the music is loud, and it is time to run around having a good time. A bar where I tried a pickle back-have you heard of this? It's weird.

Second I saw this man:


glued to pride and prejudice on the train-
if you don't think he seems great we can't be friends.

Also she

belted out the Star Spangled Banner opera style at 10 a.m.

For some reason I'm only wearing dresses lately?

I am a Denim obsessed girl. Not sure if I'm gravitating towards all dresses because it's hot outside or a better way to hide my shape when feeling insecure? All I know is I have worn a dress every day for eight days straight!


went on a trip to upstate new york this weekend, and is still tired from all that fun.

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