Wednesday, March 18, 2015

waiting for spring

in the meantime-River Phoenix movies all night every night when insomnia pursues and the wind is howling outside my window.


It's hard to describe how much his performances matter to me and to most young actors. His light is so bright in each piece-I decided to watch Stand by Me the other night on a whim, and since then I've watched them all again. He's still one of my favorite people in the whole world. I highly encourage popping in "Running on Empty" this week! It's amazing, and sort of knocks you out in the best way possible.

so yeah cheers to you River! still missing you

also Seth Avett and Jessica Lea Mayfield released an album of  Elliott Smith covers and it is gooooodddd.

what do you do when it's the middle of the March and it's still cold out?

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